亚克力导光板以光学级亚克力为基材,采用更高端脉冲激光技术,运用LCD显示屏和笔记本电脑背光模组技术原理通过对导光点的设计,利用侧光源在网线或网点之间形成的折射、反射及漫反射等光学效应,将线光源或点光源转换成平面光源的高科技产品。具有超薄超亮、导光均匀、节能环保、无暗区、安装维修简单快捷等鲜明特点。主要用于超薄灯箱、液晶显示器的背光源、平板型的灯饰照明、发光标识牌等。导光板原理:1. 具有极佳的透明度,抛光后晶莹剔透,透光率达93.7%;Excellent transparency, crystal clear after being polished, light transmittance up to 93.7% ;2. 表面高亮光滑,无异物;highlighted and smooth surface without foreign matters;3. 耐候性、耐温性好,不会褪色失光;good weathering resistance and temperature resistance without fading and dulling;4. 加工后性能稳定,无异味;stable performance without odor after processing; 美臣亚克力价值体现:The value of “MASON” acrylic is reflected in1.硬度高。具有目前同等产品较高的硬度指标,平均达洛氏硬度(M)值101(详见《化学测试报告》); High hardness. It has the highest hardness index among the same products curren...
导光板原理:板材特性:The features of acrylic1. 具有极佳的透明度,抛光后晶莹剔透,透光率达93.7%;Excellent transparency, crystal clear after being polished, light transmittance up to 93.7% ;2. 表面高亮光滑,无异物;highlighted and smooth surface without foreign matters;3. 耐候性、耐温性好,不会褪色失光;good weathering resistance and temperature resistance without fading and dulling;4. 加工后性能稳定,无异味;stable performance without odor after processing; 美臣亚克力价值体现:The value of “MASON” acrylic is reflected in1.硬度高。具有目前同等产品较高的硬度指标,平均达洛氏硬度(M)值101(详见《化学测试报告》); High hardness. It has the highest hardness index among the same products currently and its average Rockwell hardness is 101 (see “Chemical Test Report”);2.板厚精度优异。厚薄公差超过国家标准;Excellent thickness accuracy. The thickness toleranc...